I be scootin'!
8:18 PM | Author: Anonymous
Ok. So I have to admit this scooter thing was a bit more scary than I thought it was going to be. I was fine until I got on the thing. Then I freaked out a bit. It seemed too much at first. Like Josh told me to ride around the garage a bit and get a feel for it. Either I was too much on the throttle or not at all. I remember learning to drive my manual Honda was a lot like this.

I had to drive the thing out of the garage and I almost bit it. I'm still trying to figure out the throttle: wrench back and it makes it go and wrench forward and you slow down. I mean it was only the first 10 minutes I was on the thing. It always seems your weakest moment is in front of a crowd.

So Josh drove us down the street and we got a bite to eat and found a really nice parking lot to practice in. I had a really good time there, no busy traffic or hills. I did get in trouble once. I got called Coby and Josh was coined Jerry. Josh is an excellent teacher though. He's very patient and thorough. I still think I need a bit more confidence before I drive on the road.

Now I need to find a helmet that fits me and I'm good to go!

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On 9:02 PM , Anonymous said...

you didn't really put that in the back of the TL did you? Dad told me that you were getting one from Travis and taking it back.

On 9:33 PM , Josh said...

Yeah, it fit nicely after we took it apart. When we got pulled over the cop said, 'I must say, I have never seen a scooter in the back of an Acura before...'

On 3:22 PM , Megan said...

Awwww, Erin! I know what you went through with learning to drive your stick... You like to get the vehicle before learning to drive it, don't you? I am thinking of you and you'll catch on in no time. It will be good for you to have some wheels!


On 8:42 PM , Anonymous said...

What do you mean, "...when we got pulled over..."?

On 8:45 PM , Josh said...

I mean we got pulled over and I got a ticket.

On 1:18 PM , becky said...

Erin, I love that pic of just you with the helmet... you look so blisfully happy! :D