So the snow has finally arrived. I must say, it is odd to have snow around more than a day after it hits the ground. I can honestly say that it is much nicer to have the snow gone after a day or so, that way you don't get to see where all the dogs do their doggy bits. Sitting at the bus stop you can see all the local "watering holes", and it is much nicer when that goes away. The other side benefit is that by now, you can go skating on pretty much any lake you want.
We drove by a park yesterday and there was a section of the lake that didnt have snow on it. We assumed that, like St Louis weather, that there was no snow because it had melted. Actually, it had been cleared away by the locals to accommodate the locals playing hockey on it. There was a guy out there teaching his kid how to skate. Its weird, but I never noticed that we used to do that all the time in Jersey, but once we got to St Louis that was a thing of the past.
Another odd thing has happened since we moved up here, it seems that I am more open to spending time outside. I guess that could be due to the reduction of humidity from 150% to merely 100%. It seems to be less humid here when it is raining than it is in STL when it is not. A nice change, I can tell you. Who knows, maybe we will go camping this summer. Sleeping on the ground my have to come a bit later though. So, I guess I should say we are going "camping", not camping. Maybe we will even get into the snowshoeing that E was so apt to try. I think we may need an additional few inches of snow before snowshoes are necessary. Boots maybe, snowshoes, not so much.
Anyway, we finally got a new TV, and the thing is slightly ridiculous. Too bad we can't get HD content in our loft, it would be nice to see what this bad-boy will do. On that note, it seems that the HD-DVD/Blu-Ray war is all but over. As some analysts have predicted based on history, the porn industry is going to decide which one survives, much as they did in the VHS/Beta war of the 80's. It seems that they have decided to go the HD-DVD route as it is cheaper to produce the discs, even if Blu-Ray is capable of storing more data. I think I will hold out a bit longer before I decide to go out and get one though. LG has gone so far as to create a single player that will run both formats, but it costs over a grand to purchase. A good idea, but waaaay too expensive for my tastes..
Anyway, I'll chat you all up later....
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