If it wasnt already official before, now we are really officially Minnesotans. Well, almost. We went today and got new plates for the Acura, bye-bye Missouri plates, hello Minnesota plates.
I have actually been looking forward to this for a while now, the Minnesota plates match the color of my car better. I know, I'm a geek, but what can I say? It does look better.
We couldn't get our Drivers' Licenses because we have to take a written test, and the place we went doesnt administer them, so those will have to wait a short while longer. Hence the almost official-ness.
E's pops is doing much better today, I heard that he sat in a chair yesterday, which I would imagine is a huge deal only two days after having your sternum cracked in half and tied back together with what amounts to a small piece of chain-link fence. E is heading over to the IL side on Saturday and she is going to spend a couple of weeks taking care of him. She's just hoping she doesn't have to wipe his butt or anything like that. Not that it would stop her, she would just prefer not to.
No real update on the loft, we brought our samples down to show everyone, and since then nothing has happened. I imagine that I am going to have to sign off on the electrical plan at some point, seeing as how it is about as complete as I can imagine it ever being. We have to figure out what we are going to do about the in-home stereo system that we are supposed to be putting in, but at our own cost. Given that it will be at our own expense, I doubt we will do much, but I think it would be REALLY handy to have speakers in the master bath and the kitchen for listening to the radio. Who knows, we may end up getting it. We'll have to see how it goes.
Ne Year's was pretty uneventful, we just went over to Kurt's and played cards and hung out, pretty low-key evening, but lots of fun. We met a whole bunch of new people, and were able to spend more time with those we already knew.
Who knows what this new year will bring, hopefully nothing too terribly exciting. Although I did ask E if she was interested in doing some winter camping (yes that's right, I asked about camping), it sounds like fun to camp in the winter, snowshoe in the day, and just hang out around a fire at night, but we shall see how it goes. We still have a lot of winter gear to buy before we can ever approach that bridge. E juts got her new winter coat today, but I still dont have anything for winter sports, mine are all of the 'look nice, provide a little warmth' variety.
I do know one thing that is going to happen this year, I'm finally going to brew my own mead. Yes, you read that right too, I am going to brew mead. I am going to get a homebrew kit and make it up in the apartment. No, not really, a friend at work is a home brewer and he has agreed to help me out with it. So, with a little luck and a lot of instruction, I should have a batch coming ready sometime near June or July. I cant wait!
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