Hey! Look at me! I'm posting for the 2nd day in a row ...
It was beautiful today! I think almost 70 degrees and clear as crystal. Loved it!
Josh and I went to our loft today for a hard hat tour. I can't tell you how excited we are now! It's really neat to see everything before the walls are put up and the markers are there. I shot a few photos for your viewing pleasure:

This is taken from the Washington side. This building will be 7 stories high with a roof top pool! Maybe they should turn it into a ice rink in the cooler months ... it will probably get more usage.

Josh looking mighty handsome in his hard hat!

This is a last-time view of the stone arch bridge/Mississippi from our apartment. There will be a 10-story building there soon so we'll be looking at windows and patios. The really neat thing you can see in this photo is the park they are creating. A huge green space to go and hang out in! The mound to the left of the frame will be covered with grass so you can spiral up to the top and get a nice view of the stone arch bridge and Mississippi.

The proud owners! This is taken in our living room area ... I bet you can tell.

This is the underground visitor parking lot so you'll park your vehicle here when you visit! It's a major perk here to have a heated area for visitors. The lot will also be for people who are visiting the shops on the first floor. There will be a wine shop, cleaners and maybe a Walgreens or CVS. Now we can be self sustained and never leave the building again!

JEALOUS????????? Our second weekend at IKEA! We just can't get enough Swedish stuff up here. I was even eyeing up the Swedish meatballs! What came over me?
Well, that was a mellow Minneapolis Sunday afternoon so hope you've enjoyed the show! More to come later!
I love your loft (so far) and can't wait to park in the heated parking lot!