We could be in Buffalo, where they got 2 FEET of snow. It is so windy here that I don't think the snow has any chance of attaching itself to the ground.
Enough about the weather already!! Let's talk about the new job.
Being an employee somewhere is definitely a totally different experience, especially here. Contractors at Pfizer have it super sweet compared to here, they share cubes, sometimes 2 or 3 people per, and cant go to ANY functions. It is weird being able to say, 'ok, this is what we are going to do' and actually get it done though. I dont really have to check in and get approval, but I have to keep people informed, and its all good. That is sooo strange... The other things is not actually being required to DO the work, but to make certain that it gets done, that is just strange as well.
I am manging web projects, but I am not in any way expected to know how to actually do the work. It is a completely different mindset to not be able to just get it done and move on, you have to wait for someone to get it done for you. Oh, and status meetings?? Having people come to me and telling me whats going on in their world, and asking for input? Wow, that's strange...
So, all in all, it is a HUGE learning experience, but it is fun, and I enjoy the people I work with, and the work I am doing, so that is a HUGE plus.
Anyway, I'll talk later...
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