Even though it snowed on us when we were driving back from St Louis, it has been in the 70 up here until Thursday. I say until Thursday, because on that day the temps dropped. A lot. We went from 70s one day to 30s the next, and then it was snowing yesterday morning when we got up. I guess that means that winter is officially here for us, no more shorts and t-shirts, it's all long trousers and coats from here on in.
One of our neighbors teaches acting at the U, and the end of term project was to put on a play. Last night we walked over to the U to see the show and it was pretty cold, our first trip out walking now that it is officially cold. Of course, as it is wont to do, it was raining as well. Overall it was great weather for a walk. The show was all put on by sophomores and they did a really good job. The show was called 'Book of Days' and was set in Dublin, MO. It was a great show, and knowing how much time and effort the students and our friend put in made it even better.
Oh yeah, and remember the ice castle from last winter? We met up there for drinks with Steve after the show to celebrate a successful opening night. Maxwell's is now open!
Other than that, our lives are pretty boring right now. It is unfortunate that I had just put a fresh tank of gas in the scoot though, it's too damn cold to drive it now!
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