Car craziness
9:08 PM | Author: Anonymous
This autocross thing is quite the production. Getting up at 6 to go to a track made up of a parking lot somewhere and some cones while waiting for the whole thing to get set up is a full day. I remember it being quite cold in the AM which is why my butt was firmly stuck to the car seat until the sun made it's way up to warm me.

The racing itself is quite interesting. But when you take the amount of drivers plus the one you went to see, that's a long time of waiting. Needless to say, I finished my book and started on a new one.

Josh is the King of consistency. But he's definitely impressive around the corners. I guess I missed the best race which was the fun race at the end where you could have other riders with you in the car. Josh drove Dan's car and gave his tires a little more texture.

Josh loves his car. A lot.

Dan and his racing machine.

This is the only shot I could get of Josh driving ... he's that fast!

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