I am done with plastic bags! That's right. Well, not completely. Due to the fact we have to have something to put our trash/cat refuse in. But that's it. My solution is to buy corn-based plastic bags that biodegrade in 3 months while using cloth bags to put groceries and shopping items in. Nice! You can even get drawstring bags for produce. See! Now you want some. You can go to this nice website where they have all sorts of bags to put stuff in.
I've also started looking at other places in my life where I can help cut out waste. For example, when I go to Subway to get a sandwich, I ask them to not put it in a bag. Why do I need a bag? They give you a bag even if you're eating at their estabishment. So wasteful.
I am starting to think about ziplocks as well as plastic storage so that will have to be something I'll tackle in the future. I think glass is the solution.

Another thing I am excited about is getting rid of my Nalgene water bottle. Look at this kick-butt Sigg bottle! I am all about re-using bottles so you Nalgene people out there, don't get upset. It's just I don't want to ingest plastic. These Sigg bottles are 100% recyclable and taste neutral. I can't wait to get mine! You can get one as well from the ecobag website.
I just wanted to expose my eco-nerd for all to see. :)
Dude, I have to be on top of my game in Japan when I buy something. They`re so quick on the draw, you`ll end up with a plastic bag before you know it! Today, I got three plastic bags for buying 2 rolls at the bakery. Three.
The good thing is, there are almost no loose bags around the city. The Japanese are so tidy, they recycle all of them when they get home.
S`all for now!