OK. So I know I've been really bad about posting. It's just Josh is so good what else do I have to add?
I've uploaded a photo from Christmas (the only one I took in St. Louis) as well as a sweet photo of the kitties (they are doing GREAT by the way). There are a few of our New Year's party which turned out to be so fun.
There was a lot to be grateful for in 2007. Josh and I moved into our beautiful new home, I got a job at the big T, we made more wonderful friends and much more. All I can say is we are truly blessed.
I am sure 2008 is going to bring many blessings and adventures. We are so happy you all can join us!
Enjoy the photos.

Apples to Apples was our fav this year. Mom kicked our butts.

A little crocheted ear warmer for Joshy. I think it's quite fetching.

Our bebes chillin. This is pretty much what they do 18 hours a day.

Pretty ladies: Jaime, Jen and Shelley.

Obviously it's a rockin' good time at the partay. It looks really lame from this viewpoint but we did decorate!

E and the dancing partner, Curtie.

Our fellow St. Louis friends, Jon and Katie. Plus Joshy.

Alatiel and Curtie. Doin whatever.

The happy family; Joe, Rachel and bebe Hanna.

E, Rachel, baby Hanna and our new neighbor, KC. By the way, she makes the BEST kimchi pancakes!!!

Katie and Dan obviously having a great time.

E and friend Kim.

Gary, Shelby and Kaleb being really silly.

Kaleb, Katie and Dan. Again with the sillyness.

Naughty boys.

E and Stacey. Love the tiara!
The End!
you are so cuuuuute Erin!
Love the ear cozy.