This will work a whole lot better if you start at the bottom and work your way up...

Our Couch!!!

Beautiful downtown Minneapolis

Our new grill!!!

our current furniture situation...

Ain't she cute?

Lookit!! E is going to work!

The last throws of my birthday, Jen is playing Connect 4 with Brad.

Awww, ain't that cute?

Fritz, Pat, Brad and I on my birthday at Psycho Suzies.

Me whoopin everyone's but on the go-karts

T-rav and Jalynn riding Curtis' beach cruiser. Contrary to popular belief, Travis had a hard time riding a wheelie on this one.

Wonder twin powers, ACTIVATE!!
Seriously, this was right after Travis surprised me by showing up here for my birthday. This was taken at one of my favorite places, Brits Pub.