Last night we participated in the 1st annual Skyway Golf Open ... not outside! In the skyway inside! It was so much fun and supported an organization that keeps the city safe.
Below, you will see some very creative holes (18 different architectural firms in the city designed each one). We didn't win anything, but we did get 36 (the par was 3 at each hole) ... not too bad.
We got a little silly and I made our team t-shirts. Jen made up the name, Putt-Putt Pirates (she loves to tell pirate jokes) so I decided it would be hilarious to make team garb. We didn't know to enter in the most creative costume but we would have won. Next year ...
Have a look see:

The t-shirts ... you can see I had fun creating them.

The team: Josh, Erin, Jen (captain Jen that is), and Mike (our new friend) .

Mike getting under par!

We all liked this hole, the real sculpture is next to the Walker Art Museum here in MPLS.

This hole was neat ... The ball would follow the wood grain.

Our team looking mighty spiffy in our team garb.

I didn't get a good pic of this hole but it was made up entirely of cardboard and all of the buildings were pretty much scale. They got the award for the best hole design. It was neat, the ball would disappear in all of the buildings and would miraculously come out the other end.

Captain Jen. Arrrrr!
Thanks for letting me share. Until next time ...