Last night we participated in the 1st annual Skyway Golf Open ... not outside! In the skyway inside! It was so much fun and supported an organization that keeps the city safe.
Below, you will see some very creative holes (18 different architectural firms in the city designed each one). We didn't win anything, but we did get 36 (the par was 3 at each hole) ... not too bad.
We got a little silly and I made our team t-shirts. Jen made up the name, Putt-Putt Pirates (she loves to tell pirate jokes) so I decided it would be hilarious to make team garb. We didn't know to enter in the most creative costume but we would have won. Next year ...
Have a look see:

The t-shirts ... you can see I had fun creating them.

The team: Josh, Erin, Jen (captain Jen that is), and Mike (our new friend) .

Mike getting under par!

We all liked this hole, the real sculpture is next to the Walker Art Museum here in MPLS.

This hole was neat ... The ball would follow the wood grain.

Our team looking mighty spiffy in our team garb.

I didn't get a good pic of this hole but it was made up entirely of cardboard and all of the buildings were pretty much scale. They got the award for the best hole design. It was neat, the ball would disappear in all of the buildings and would miraculously come out the other end.

Captain Jen. Arrrrr!
Thanks for letting me share. Until next time ...
As all of you know, I am a motorcycle freak, and spend probably way more time than is healthy on the internet looking at bikes and specs and what-not, and going to stealerships to looks at the latest model in person.
Well, a friend turned me on to a new online motorcycle magazine that was looking for writers and so I pointed them to my other blog, which has only to do with motorcycles. The editor liked what he saw and asked me to submit an article on why I am so in love with Ducatis, I know, I was like, "isn't everyone?". So I wrote an article, no idea how long it turned out being, and sent it in. I received a message back today that they loved my writing and are going to use my article in the next edition of the mag. I don't know when that will be, but I will certainly be putting up more information as it becomes available.
For now, a link to the magazine, which does not have a lot of content as it is the first edition.
Track Day Magazine
Here are some updated loft photos. The first few are from last weekend when J's parents came up to see us. They had all the framing done as well as the wiring. They put up the walls this past week.

J & Marsha are standing in the 2nd bedroom. Looking at the ceiling, I guess.

J is standing in the living room and big J is standing in the master bedroom. They're checking if the wall can hold a plasma tv. We have it wired so you can put a plasma on both sides of the wall. We wired this place up for any possible situation in the future.

Jerry & Marsha are helping us find stuff that needs to be done before they install rockwall. Needless to say, they were a great help. Marsha being an interior designer knew what to look for. Thanks, guys!!!

We just went in today and it's all rocked in! At the rate they're going we'll be moving in sooner than we thought.

J standing in the kitchen. It's gonna be a good size ... but the cabinets aren't in yet so we'll see what it looks like when all that stuff gets installed. It's so funny how spacious it looks without the walls (DUH!) but you don't really get the picture unless you are in there before & after wall. Love the tall ceilings.

J standing in the living room. The door to the left of him is the master bedroom and the one on the right will be the laundry/cat box/media/coatroom. It's tiny. Don't know how all that stuff will fit but I'm sure we'll find a way.
Sometimes I pinch myself with all of this. I mean, how many people get to pick EVERYTHING they've ever wanted? Every faucet, outlet, light fixture in their house? How blessed are we? We can't wait to share our new abode with all of you ... come in the summer so we can go swimming in the rooftop pool ;).
So, the last few weeks here in the great white north have gotten me thinking, where did Fahrenheit come from? I dont know about you, but it seems somewhat illogical that the temperature of freezing water is 32, and 0 is (obviously) 32 degrees lower. What is that all about? That doesn't make sense! When it is -14 degrees outside, that is really closer to 50 degrees below freezing. What point is zero in this equation anyway?
So, I did some research and learned that the tool that came up with Fahrenhiet, actually a guy named Fahrenheit, basically took the coldest outdoor temperature where he lived and made that 0, he then took his body temperature and made that 100. He added 180 to the freezing temp of water, which turned out to be 32, to get his the boiling point of water, or 212.
So, instead of using 0 as the freezing point of water and 100 as the boiling point of water as they did in Centigrade, he decided to make up his own silly arbitrary system, and now we are stuck with it. Oh yeah, and that whole. "The US is going Metric" thing they have been telling us all our lives? Yeah, the rest of the world already did that, we just haven't been able to get on that boat...
The high is -3 today and that's all I have to say about that.

The kittens are now cattins! They turned 1 yesterday so we had Jen and her dog, Lola over for dinner. R & R weren't sure what to think of Lola (they have never seen a doggie before). Lola was ganged up on most of the day, she got stuck in our bedroom a couple of times. All in all, they got along fine.
It's kinda funny, we haven't been able to get anyone to come see us the entire time we've been here and all of a sudden we have both sets of parents making plans. Mom and Bernie came last weekend and J's parents are coming next weekend. They picked the coldest time of the year!

As you can see, our loft is coming along quickly. We went up to see our loft when B & B came and saw that some things weren't being done so we immediately got on it. Everything is cool now and we're almost done with our selections. All I can say is overages add up quickly!