CPAP. Seriously, I have heard stories people tell about how this or that changed their life or what-not. This thing has seriously done it for me. I am actually sleeping at night now, and I am waking up refreshed, not tired. I didnt realize how badly I needed sleep until I finally got some.
As for other things that are happening, I dropped 1.5 seconds off my lap time at the kart racing league this week, but unfortunately the leaders dropped .5, so I only really gained 1 second on them. I didnt make the main even though I finished second in the LCQ because there were two new drivers that showed up this week.
E and I started picking out more stuff for our loft, and it is fun, but it is so damn expensive!!

The budget sounds nice when you hear it, but it goes fast. We went to pick out our tile, carpet and A/V equipment, and made a few first selections, we are looking at a slate tile in the bathroom, and some cool accent pieces as well. The carpet is going to be the standard beige-ish/champaign color that you see everywhere because you can do anything with a room that has that color carpet. Its a bummer to go with something so plain, but I guess we have to think about re-sale. I picked out a really cool chocolate brown carpet with a diamond pattern on it, but I dont think E is going to go for it.
Good news though, we finally close on the house in STL this week, and man are we stoked about that. paying two mortgages really sucks. If we could just unload E's car and my 900, we would be doing pretty well. Unfortunately, we are not getting any bites on either of them. Not surprising for the bike, but it is for the car.